


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Where can I find your privacy policy?
A: https://bookpebble.co.uk/terms/privacy-policy

Q2: Where can I find your T&Cs?
A: https://bookpebble.co.uk/terms

Q3: How do I get in touch with pebble?
A: Email us at support@bookpebble.co.uk

Q4: How do I leave feedback for pebble?
A: Email us at feedback@bookpebble.co.uk


How to use Pebble

New Child Request:

Q1: Where do I see notifications for new sign ups?
A: New sign ups are visible on the ‘Guardian List’ page on the left side of the portal, you can filter the view to show “new child” only. You will also be prompted to approve a child if the guardian attempts to book for a new child sign up.

Q2: How do we accept a child?
A: Within the ‘Guardian List’ page, select the child you want respond to and select ‘Accept’.

Q3: How do we reject a child?
A: Within the Guardian List page, select the child you want to respond to and select ‘Reject’. This prevents the guardian from booking for that child.

Q4: What do we do if we don’t recognise a child?
A: If you do not recognise a child, you can contact the guardian direct to confirm, or choose to ‘Reject’ the child.

Q5: How do we block a guardian?
A: After selecting a guardian on the ‘Guardian List’ page, you will see an option to ‘Block user’, once selected, you will be prompted to confirm.

Q6: How do I get in touch with a guardian?
A: Guardian information is stored on the ‘Guardian List’ page, please get in touch with them manually using the number provided by the Guardian.

Q7: What do I do if there has been room changes?
A: After selecting a child you have the option to ‘Edit Details’, select this, and you will be able to change the room using the dropdown select.

Q8: Can we update guardian details on their behalf?
A: You are not able to update guardian details apart from the room allocation.

Q9: What do I do when a child graduates or leaves the setting?
A: If you would like a child removed, please contact your CSM.

Updating Availability:

Q1: Where do I update my availability?
A: To update your availability select ‘Availability Planner’ on the left side of the portal.

Q2: How do I update my availability?
A: Within the ‘Availability Planner’ select ‘Edit Spaces’, this will make your calendar editable, meaning you will now be able to input your availability based on AM and PM.

Q3: Can I change my availability once published?
A: Yes. Click here to see how.

Q4: What do I do if I have no availability?
A: If you have no availability, leave your calendar blank, Guardians will still be able to request bookings, but not book instantly.

Q5: What do guardians see when there is availability?
A: On the Guardian portal, when a Guardian is booking a session they are shown a calendar view. On that calendar view instant availability slots are highlighted in green.

Q6: What do guardians see when there is no availability?
A: On the Guardian portal, when a Guardian is booking a session they are shown a calendar view. If there is no availability, the calendar will show grey slots, indicating that only request is available.

Q7: How far in the future can I populate my availability?
A: You can populate your availability 4 weeks into the future. If you would like to populate further, please reach out to your CSM.

Q8: Can I populate availability hourly?
A: You are not currently able to populate availability by the hour.

Q9: Will Guardians be notified once I have populated my availability?
A: No, guardians are not automatically notified when you have updated your availability. However, If a guardian has been declined from a session, and you later add availability, the guardian will be sent an SMS to let them know however outside of this specific case.

Q10: Can I block a guardian?
A: Yes, to block a guardian, go to your guardian list, select the guardian and select ‘block user’ in the top right corner.

Q11: What happens when I block a guardian?
A: The guardian will not longer be able to book sessions at your nursery.

Q12: How do I unblock a guardian?
A: To unblock a guardian, go to your guardian list tab, select the guardian and select ‘Unblock User’ in the top right corner.

Q13: Does the parent see if I have blocked them?
A: Yes, when the guardian attempts to make a booking at your nursery, they will see a pop up that says that they have been blocked.


Q1: How do I accept a booking?
A: To accept a booking, visit the ‘Bookings’ page and under outstanding booking requests, select ‘Accept’.

Q2: How do I reject a booking?
A: To reject a booking, visit the ‘Bookings’ page and under outstanding booking requests, select ‘Reject’.

Q3: What will the guardian see when I decline a booking?
A: The parent will receive an SMS confirming that you cannot accommodate the request. We will not share the reason for the booking rejection. If partial availability is available (e.g. you have instant book availability for the afternoon but cannot accommodate a full day), we will let the user know they can book that specific session.

Q4: Can I put a booking on hold?
A: If you sometimes take longer than 2 business days to respond to bookings, the ‘On hold’ feature is available. Contact us if you wish to enable this feature.

Q5: What do parents see when I respond to a booking?
A: Parents will receive an SMS notifying them of your response.

Q6: Can I change a rejected booking to accepted?
A: If you can now accommodate a rejected booking, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We can liaise with the parent and ask them to rebook the session.

Q7: Where am I notified of new bookings?
A: New bookings are shown on the Bookings page under the title 'outstanding booking requests. You will also receive an email to your primary email address.

Q8: Can the notification email go to more than one address?
A: No, only one email address will receive the notification.

Q9: Can I export my bookings?
A: If you would like an export of your bookings, please contact your CSM.

Q10: Can pending guardians make a booking?
A: Pending Guardians are only able to request a booking, they can not use the instant book function.

Q11: Can all guardians pay via tax exempt?
A: Yes, all guardians will see the Don’t need to pay on Pebble? Button. This will allow them to choose one of the below methods of payment:
● This is an emergency care session paid for by my employer
● This session will be paid via tax-free account
● This is a day in lieu
● This is a settle-in session
A: These bookings will be included in your monthly finance report, allowing your finance team to reconcile payment.
A: Should a parent continuously choose an option that does not apply to them, please let us know and we will liaise with them. You can also block such a user from booking via the platform, if necessary.


Q1: When is payment taken for a booking?
A: Payment is taken upon approval of the booking, a hold will be placed on the guardians card upon booking.

Q2: How are refunds processed

In order to cancel your booking and request a refund, please contact your CSM


Q1: How close to a booking can a parent cancel?
A: A guardian can cancel at anytime, refunds are not guaranteed

Q2: What do we see if a guardian cancels a booking?
A: Should a guardian cancel a session, you will receive an email detailing:
● Child name
● Room
● Date
● Type
A: The parent will be notified that they may not be refunded. The space will be automatically added back into your availability planner.

Q3: How close to a booking does the parent receive a refund?
A: We follow your cancellation policy and will always confirm with you before processing a refund. In certain circumstances Pebble may also choose to refund a parent at our own expense.

Q4: What happens if the nursery needs to cancel a booking?
A: Should you need to cancel a session, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We will liaise with the guardian.

Q5: What does the guardian see if we cancel a booking?
A: The guardian will receive a rejection SMS from the system.

Q6: What do we do if a guardian continuously cancels?
A: As refunds are not guaranteed, this should deter frequent cancellations. However, you may block a parent from booking via the platform should they continuously cancel at the last minute.


Discounts and promos:

Q1: What promotions can we offer?
A: We are able to offer a number of promotions:
● Money off bookings
● % off bookings
● Promotional codes for specific guardians
A: Please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk for more information

Q2: How do we give parents discounts?
A: We run discounts throughout the year. We will sometimes send these directly to parents signed up to the platform, other times we may work directly with your nursery to send out comms.

Q3: Can a parent use an expired discount?
A: A discount code must be used within its terms and conditions.

Q4: Can we run discounts for families with multiple children at our nursery?
A: We can generate user specific discount codes- so if you let us know which parent(s) should have what discount(s) we can issue them with a code they can use to discount their sessions.

Q5: How do we run promotions?
A: To run a promotion, contact your CSM, and one can be set up to suit your specific requirements.

Q6: Who covers the cost of promotions?
A: This depends on the promotion. For promotions where the cost is covered by Pebble, you will always receive the full day rate minus your normal Pebble fee. Where a promotion is wholly or fully funded by you, we will always confirm the terms in writing with you before launching.

Q7: Can we run in house promotions on pebble?
A: Yes, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We can set up your promotion for you and help draft comms to your parents detailing the T&Cs.

Q8: Can parents pay using a tax free account?
A: Parents cannot pay for discounted sessions via their Tax Free account. All promotional bookings must be made and paid via the Pebble platform.

Support: Updating your account

Q1: How do I add a new admin user to my account?
A: To add a new admin user, contact your CSM.

Q2: How do I update the booking email address?
A: To update the booking email address, contact your CSM.

Q3: How do I update my payment details?
A: To update payment details, contact your CSM.

Q4: How do I update my nursery name?
A: To update your nursery name, contact your CSM.

Q5: How do I update my opening hours?
A: To update opening hours, contact your CSM.

Q6: How do I update my booking cut off time?
A: To update your booking cut off times, contact your CSM.

Q7: How do I update my pricing?
A: To update pricing, contact your CSM.

Q8: How do I reset my email or password?
A: You can reset your password by using the “Forgotten Password” page here: https://nursery.bookpebble.co.uk/forgot-password. Alternatively, contact your CSM. For sensitive info, do not share this info on email. Phone your CSM.



Q1: How often will I receive performance reports?
A: In the first month of launch, we endeavour to send weekly performance reports. Once that is complete, it is up to you how often you would like to see these reports.

Q2: What will be shown in the performance reports?
A: Performance reports are tailored to you, however the standard is an overview of bookings for that week/month, guardian registrations, total revenue and potential revenue.

Q3: Will I receive finance reports?
A: Yes.

Q4: How often will I receive finance reports?
A: At the end of each month.



Q1: Will I receive finance reports?
A: Yes.

Q2: What will be shown in the finance reports?
A: You can find an example finance report within your welcome pack.
A: You will be sent two pages, a payment summary and a booking summary.
Your payment summary will detail:
● Number of paid Sessions
● Value paid by Customer
● Value paid by Pebble (any discounts and discrepancies)
● Value of payment Exempt Sessions (to be reconciled by your finance team)
● Pebble Fees and VAT
● Total Payable to Nursery
Your booking summary is a breakdown of the individual sessions. The data will include:
● Nursery name
● Submitted at date, confirmed at date and session date
● Session type and rate
● Fee collected from Customer
● Value to be paid by Pebble (if any)
● Value of payment exempt sessions (if any) and reason
● Child name
● Room
● Notes

Q3: How often do I receive my statement?
A: At the end of each month.

Q4: Who will my statement be sent to?
A: This is at your discretion, to change this please contact your CSM.

Q5: When will I receive my payment?
A: At the end of each month.

Q6: How do I update my stripe details?
A: To update your stripe details, please contact your CSM.

Q7: Who processes tax free payments?
A: Your finance team should reconcile these payments.

Contract Cancellation:

Q1: How do I cancel my contract?
A: Please contact your CSM

Q2: What happens when I cancel my contract?
A: If you should decide to cancel, instant booking functionality will be switched off, and your guardians will no longer be able to book sessions at your nursery.
A: You will receive an email to agree a date to go offline. We will then cancel any pending bookings on the system and block all guardians before turning the system off for your nursery.
A: Please be aware that you will need to honour any confirmed bookings.

Q1: Where can I find your privacy policy?
A: https://bookpebble.co.uk/terms/privacy-policy

Q2: Where can I find your T&Cs?
A: https://bookpebble.co.uk/terms

Q3: How do I get in touch with pebble?
A: Email us at support@bookpebble.co.uk

Q4: How do I leave feedback for pebble?
A: Email us at feedback@bookpebble.co.uk


How to use Pebble

New Child Request:

Q1: Where do I see notifications for new sign ups?
A: New sign ups are visible on the ‘Guardian List’ page on the left side of the portal, you can filter the view to show “new child” only. You will also be prompted to approve a child if the guardian attempts to book for a new child sign up.

Q2: How do we accept a child?
A: Within the ‘Guardian List’ page, select the child you want respond to and select ‘Accept’.

Q3: How do we reject a child?
A: Within the Guardian List page, select the child you want to respond to and select ‘Reject’. This prevents the guardian from booking for that child.

Q4: What do we do if we don’t recognise a child?
A: If you do not recognise a child, you can contact the guardian direct to confirm, or choose to ‘Reject’ the child.

Q5: How do we block a guardian?
A: After selecting a guardian on the ‘Guardian List’ page, you will see an option to ‘Block user’, once selected, you will be prompted to confirm.

Q6: How do I get in touch with a guardian?
A: Guardian information is stored on the ‘Guardian List’ page, please get in touch with them manually using the number provided by the Guardian.

Q7: What do I do if there has been room changes?
A: After selecting a child you have the option to ‘Edit Details’, select this, and you will be able to change the room using the dropdown select.

Q8: Can we update guardian details on their behalf?
A: You are not able to update guardian details apart from the room allocation.

Q9: What do I do when a child graduates or leaves the setting?
A: If you would like a child removed, please contact your CSM.

Updating Availability:

Q1: Where do I update my availability?
A: To update your availability select ‘Availability Planner’ on the left side of the portal.

Q2: How do I update my availability?
A: Within the ‘Availability Planner’ select ‘Edit Spaces’, this will make your calendar editable, meaning you will now be able to input your availability based on AM and PM.

Q3: Can I change my availability once published?
A: Yes. Click here to see how.

Q4: What do I do if I have no availability?
A: If you have no availability, leave your calendar blank, Guardians will still be able to request bookings, but not book instantly.

Q5: What do guardians see when there is availability?
A: On the Guardian portal, when a Guardian is booking a session they are shown a calendar view. On that calendar view instant availability slots are highlighted in green.

Q6: What do guardians see when there is no availability?
A: On the Guardian portal, when a Guardian is booking a session they are shown a calendar view. If there is no availability, the calendar will show grey slots, indicating that only request is available.

Q7: How far in the future can I populate my availability?
A: You can populate your availability 4 weeks into the future. If you would like to populate further, please reach out to your CSM.

Q8: Can I populate availability hourly?
A: You are not currently able to populate availability by the hour.

Q9: Will Guardians be notified once I have populated my availability?
A: No, guardians are not automatically notified when you have updated your availability. However, If a guardian has been declined from a session, and you later add availability, the guardian will be sent an SMS to let them know however outside of this specific case.

Q10: Can I block a guardian?
A: Yes, to block a guardian, go to your guardian list, select the guardian and select ‘block user’ in the top right corner.

Q11: What happens when I block a guardian?
A: The guardian will not longer be able to book sessions at your nursery.

Q12: How do I unblock a guardian?
A: To unblock a guardian, go to your guardian list tab, select the guardian and select ‘Unblock User’ in the top right corner.

Q13: Does the parent see if I have blocked them?
A: Yes, when the guardian attempts to make a booking at your nursery, they will see a pop up that says that they have been blocked.


Q1: How do I accept a booking?
A: To accept a booking, visit the ‘Bookings’ page and under outstanding booking requests, select ‘Accept’.

Q2: How do I reject a booking?
A: To reject a booking, visit the ‘Bookings’ page and under outstanding booking requests, select ‘Reject’.

Q3: What will the guardian see when I decline a booking?
A: The parent will receive an SMS confirming that you cannot accommodate the request. We will not share the reason for the booking rejection. If partial availability is available (e.g. you have instant book availability for the afternoon but cannot accommodate a full day), we will let the user know they can book that specific session.

Q4: Can I put a booking on hold?
A: If you sometimes take longer than 2 business days to respond to bookings, the ‘On hold’ feature is available. Contact us if you wish to enable this feature.

Q5: What do parents see when I respond to a booking?
A: Parents will receive an SMS notifying them of your response.

Q6: Can I change a rejected booking to accepted?
A: If you can now accommodate a rejected booking, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We can liaise with the parent and ask them to rebook the session.

Q7: Where am I notified of new bookings?
A: New bookings are shown on the Bookings page under the title 'outstanding booking requests. You will also receive an email to your primary email address.

Q8: Can the notification email go to more than one address?
A: No, only one email address will receive the notification.

Q9: Can I export my bookings?
A: If you would like an export of your bookings, please contact your CSM.

Q10: Can pending guardians make a booking?
A: Pending Guardians are only able to request a booking, they can not use the instant book function.

Q11: Can all guardians pay via tax exempt?
A: Yes, all guardians will see the Don’t need to pay on Pebble? Button. This will allow them to choose one of the below methods of payment:
● This is an emergency care session paid for by my employer
● This session will be paid via tax-free account
● This is a day in lieu
● This is a settle-in session
A: These bookings will be included in your monthly finance report, allowing your finance team to reconcile payment.
A: Should a parent continuously choose an option that does not apply to them, please let us know and we will liaise with them. You can also block such a user from booking via the platform, if necessary.


Q1: When is payment taken for a booking?
A: Payment is taken upon approval of the booking, a hold will be placed on the guardians card upon booking.

Q2: How are refunds processed

In order to cancel your booking and request a refund, please contact your CSM


Q1: How close to a booking can a parent cancel?
A: A guardian can cancel at anytime, refunds are not guaranteed

Q2: What do we see if a guardian cancels a booking?
A: Should a guardian cancel a session, you will receive an email detailing:
● Child name
● Room
● Date
● Type
A: The parent will be notified that they may not be refunded. The space will be automatically added back into your availability planner.

Q3: How close to a booking does the parent receive a refund?
A: We follow your cancellation policy and will always confirm with you before processing a refund. In certain circumstances Pebble may also choose to refund a parent at our own expense.

Q4: What happens if the nursery needs to cancel a booking?
A: Should you need to cancel a session, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We will liaise with the guardian.

Q5: What does the guardian see if we cancel a booking?
A: The guardian will receive a rejection SMS from the system.

Q6: What do we do if a guardian continuously cancels?
A: As refunds are not guaranteed, this should deter frequent cancellations. However, you may block a parent from booking via the platform should they continuously cancel at the last minute.


Discounts and promos:

Q1: What promotions can we offer?
A: We are able to offer a number of promotions:
● Money off bookings
● % off bookings
● Promotional codes for specific guardians
A: Please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk for more information

Q2: How do we give parents discounts?
A: We run discounts throughout the year. We will sometimes send these directly to parents signed up to the platform, other times we may work directly with your nursery to send out comms.

Q3: Can a parent use an expired discount?
A: A discount code must be used within its terms and conditions.

Q4: Can we run discounts for families with multiple children at our nursery?
A: We can generate user specific discount codes- so if you let us know which parent(s) should have what discount(s) we can issue them with a code they can use to discount their sessions.

Q5: How do we run promotions?
A: To run a promotion, contact your CSM, and one can be set up to suit your specific requirements.

Q6: Who covers the cost of promotions?
A: This depends on the promotion. For promotions where the cost is covered by Pebble, you will always receive the full day rate minus your normal Pebble fee. Where a promotion is wholly or fully funded by you, we will always confirm the terms in writing with you before launching.

Q7: Can we run in house promotions on pebble?
A: Yes, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We can set up your promotion for you and help draft comms to your parents detailing the T&Cs.

Q8: Can parents pay using a tax free account?
A: Parents cannot pay for discounted sessions via their Tax Free account. All promotional bookings must be made and paid via the Pebble platform.

Support: Updating your account

Q1: How do I add a new admin user to my account?
A: To add a new admin user, contact your CSM.

Q2: How do I update the booking email address?
A: To update the booking email address, contact your CSM.

Q3: How do I update my payment details?
A: To update payment details, contact your CSM.

Q4: How do I update my nursery name?
A: To update your nursery name, contact your CSM.

Q5: How do I update my opening hours?
A: To update opening hours, contact your CSM.

Q6: How do I update my booking cut off time?
A: To update your booking cut off times, contact your CSM.

Q7: How do I update my pricing?
A: To update pricing, contact your CSM.

Q8: How do I reset my email or password?
A: You can reset your password by using the “Forgotten Password” page here: https://nursery.bookpebble.co.uk/forgot-password. Alternatively, contact your CSM. For sensitive info, do not share this info on email. Phone your CSM.



Q1: How often will I receive performance reports?
A: In the first month of launch, we endeavour to send weekly performance reports. Once that is complete, it is up to you how often you would like to see these reports.

Q2: What will be shown in the performance reports?
A: Performance reports are tailored to you, however the standard is an overview of bookings for that week/month, guardian registrations, total revenue and potential revenue.

Q3: Will I receive finance reports?
A: Yes.

Q4: How often will I receive finance reports?
A: At the end of each month.



Q1: Will I receive finance reports?
A: Yes.

Q2: What will be shown in the finance reports?
A: You can find an example finance report within your welcome pack.
A: You will be sent two pages, a payment summary and a booking summary.
Your payment summary will detail:
● Number of paid Sessions
● Value paid by Customer
● Value paid by Pebble (any discounts and discrepancies)
● Value of payment Exempt Sessions (to be reconciled by your finance team)
● Pebble Fees and VAT
● Total Payable to Nursery
Your booking summary is a breakdown of the individual sessions. The data will include:
● Nursery name
● Submitted at date, confirmed at date and session date
● Session type and rate
● Fee collected from Customer
● Value to be paid by Pebble (if any)
● Value of payment exempt sessions (if any) and reason
● Child name
● Room
● Notes

Q3: How often do I receive my statement?
A: At the end of each month.

Q4: Who will my statement be sent to?
A: This is at your discretion, to change this please contact your CSM.

Q5: When will I receive my payment?
A: At the end of each month.

Q6: How do I update my stripe details?
A: To update your stripe details, please contact your CSM.

Q7: Who processes tax free payments?
A: Your finance team should reconcile these payments.

Contract Cancellation:

Q1: How do I cancel my contract?
A: Please contact your CSM

Q2: What happens when I cancel my contract?
A: If you should decide to cancel, instant booking functionality will be switched off, and your guardians will no longer be able to book sessions at your nursery.
A: You will receive an email to agree a date to go offline. We will then cancel any pending bookings on the system and block all guardians before turning the system off for your nursery.
A: Please be aware that you will need to honour any confirmed bookings.

Q1: Where can I find your privacy policy?
A: https://bookpebble.co.uk/terms/privacy-policy

Q2: Where can I find your T&Cs?
A: https://bookpebble.co.uk/terms

Q3: How do I get in touch with pebble?
A: Email us at support@bookpebble.co.uk

Q4: How do I leave feedback for pebble?
A: Email us at feedback@bookpebble.co.uk


How to use Pebble

New Child Request:

Q1: Where do I see notifications for new sign ups?
A: New sign ups are visible on the ‘Guardian List’ page on the left side of the portal, you can filter the view to show “new child” only. You will also be prompted to approve a child if the guardian attempts to book for a new child sign up.

Q2: How do we accept a child?
A: Within the ‘Guardian List’ page, select the child you want respond to and select ‘Accept’.

Q3: How do we reject a child?
A: Within the Guardian List page, select the child you want to respond to and select ‘Reject’. This prevents the guardian from booking for that child.

Q4: What do we do if we don’t recognise a child?
A: If you do not recognise a child, you can contact the guardian direct to confirm, or choose to ‘Reject’ the child.

Q5: How do we block a guardian?
A: After selecting a guardian on the ‘Guardian List’ page, you will see an option to ‘Block user’, once selected, you will be prompted to confirm.

Q6: How do I get in touch with a guardian?
A: Guardian information is stored on the ‘Guardian List’ page, please get in touch with them manually using the number provided by the Guardian.

Q7: What do I do if there has been room changes?
A: After selecting a child you have the option to ‘Edit Details’, select this, and you will be able to change the room using the dropdown select.

Q8: Can we update guardian details on their behalf?
A: You are not able to update guardian details apart from the room allocation.

Q9: What do I do when a child graduates or leaves the setting?
A: If you would like a child removed, please contact your CSM.

Updating Availability:

Q1: Where do I update my availability?
A: To update your availability select ‘Availability Planner’ on the left side of the portal.

Q2: How do I update my availability?
A: Within the ‘Availability Planner’ select ‘Edit Spaces’, this will make your calendar editable, meaning you will now be able to input your availability based on AM and PM.

Q3: Can I change my availability once published?
A: Yes. Click here to see how.

Q4: What do I do if I have no availability?
A: If you have no availability, leave your calendar blank, Guardians will still be able to request bookings, but not book instantly.

Q5: What do guardians see when there is availability?
A: On the Guardian portal, when a Guardian is booking a session they are shown a calendar view. On that calendar view instant availability slots are highlighted in green.

Q6: What do guardians see when there is no availability?
A: On the Guardian portal, when a Guardian is booking a session they are shown a calendar view. If there is no availability, the calendar will show grey slots, indicating that only request is available.

Q7: How far in the future can I populate my availability?
A: You can populate your availability 4 weeks into the future. If you would like to populate further, please reach out to your CSM.

Q8: Can I populate availability hourly?
A: You are not currently able to populate availability by the hour.

Q9: Will Guardians be notified once I have populated my availability?
A: No, guardians are not automatically notified when you have updated your availability. However, If a guardian has been declined from a session, and you later add availability, the guardian will be sent an SMS to let them know however outside of this specific case.

Q10: Can I block a guardian?
A: Yes, to block a guardian, go to your guardian list, select the guardian and select ‘block user’ in the top right corner.

Q11: What happens when I block a guardian?
A: The guardian will not longer be able to book sessions at your nursery.

Q12: How do I unblock a guardian?
A: To unblock a guardian, go to your guardian list tab, select the guardian and select ‘Unblock User’ in the top right corner.

Q13: Does the parent see if I have blocked them?
A: Yes, when the guardian attempts to make a booking at your nursery, they will see a pop up that says that they have been blocked.


Q1: How do I accept a booking?
A: To accept a booking, visit the ‘Bookings’ page and under outstanding booking requests, select ‘Accept’.

Q2: How do I reject a booking?
A: To reject a booking, visit the ‘Bookings’ page and under outstanding booking requests, select ‘Reject’.

Q3: What will the guardian see when I decline a booking?
A: The parent will receive an SMS confirming that you cannot accommodate the request. We will not share the reason for the booking rejection. If partial availability is available (e.g. you have instant book availability for the afternoon but cannot accommodate a full day), we will let the user know they can book that specific session.

Q4: Can I put a booking on hold?
A: If you sometimes take longer than 2 business days to respond to bookings, the ‘On hold’ feature is available. Contact us if you wish to enable this feature.

Q5: What do parents see when I respond to a booking?
A: Parents will receive an SMS notifying them of your response.

Q6: Can I change a rejected booking to accepted?
A: If you can now accommodate a rejected booking, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We can liaise with the parent and ask them to rebook the session.

Q7: Where am I notified of new bookings?
A: New bookings are shown on the Bookings page under the title 'outstanding booking requests. You will also receive an email to your primary email address.

Q8: Can the notification email go to more than one address?
A: No, only one email address will receive the notification.

Q9: Can I export my bookings?
A: If you would like an export of your bookings, please contact your CSM.

Q10: Can pending guardians make a booking?
A: Pending Guardians are only able to request a booking, they can not use the instant book function.

Q11: Can all guardians pay via tax exempt?
A: Yes, all guardians will see the Don’t need to pay on Pebble? Button. This will allow them to choose one of the below methods of payment:
● This is an emergency care session paid for by my employer
● This session will be paid via tax-free account
● This is a day in lieu
● This is a settle-in session
A: These bookings will be included in your monthly finance report, allowing your finance team to reconcile payment.
A: Should a parent continuously choose an option that does not apply to them, please let us know and we will liaise with them. You can also block such a user from booking via the platform, if necessary.


Q1: When is payment taken for a booking?
A: Payment is taken upon approval of the booking, a hold will be placed on the guardians card upon booking.

Q2: How are refunds processed

In order to cancel your booking and request a refund, please contact your CSM


Q1: How close to a booking can a parent cancel?
A: A guardian can cancel at anytime, refunds are not guaranteed

Q2: What do we see if a guardian cancels a booking?
A: Should a guardian cancel a session, you will receive an email detailing:
● Child name
● Room
● Date
● Type
A: The parent will be notified that they may not be refunded. The space will be automatically added back into your availability planner.

Q3: How close to a booking does the parent receive a refund?
A: We follow your cancellation policy and will always confirm with you before processing a refund. In certain circumstances Pebble may also choose to refund a parent at our own expense.

Q4: What happens if the nursery needs to cancel a booking?
A: Should you need to cancel a session, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We will liaise with the guardian.

Q5: What does the guardian see if we cancel a booking?
A: The guardian will receive a rejection SMS from the system.

Q6: What do we do if a guardian continuously cancels?
A: As refunds are not guaranteed, this should deter frequent cancellations. However, you may block a parent from booking via the platform should they continuously cancel at the last minute.


Discounts and promos:

Q1: What promotions can we offer?
A: We are able to offer a number of promotions:
● Money off bookings
● % off bookings
● Promotional codes for specific guardians
A: Please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk for more information

Q2: How do we give parents discounts?
A: We run discounts throughout the year. We will sometimes send these directly to parents signed up to the platform, other times we may work directly with your nursery to send out comms.

Q3: Can a parent use an expired discount?
A: A discount code must be used within its terms and conditions.

Q4: Can we run discounts for families with multiple children at our nursery?
A: We can generate user specific discount codes- so if you let us know which parent(s) should have what discount(s) we can issue them with a code they can use to discount their sessions.

Q5: How do we run promotions?
A: To run a promotion, contact your CSM, and one can be set up to suit your specific requirements.

Q6: Who covers the cost of promotions?
A: This depends on the promotion. For promotions where the cost is covered by Pebble, you will always receive the full day rate minus your normal Pebble fee. Where a promotion is wholly or fully funded by you, we will always confirm the terms in writing with you before launching.

Q7: Can we run in house promotions on pebble?
A: Yes, please reach out to support@bookpebble.co.uk or your dedicated CSM. We can set up your promotion for you and help draft comms to your parents detailing the T&Cs.

Q8: Can parents pay using a tax free account?
A: Parents cannot pay for discounted sessions via their Tax Free account. All promotional bookings must be made and paid via the Pebble platform.

Support: Updating your account

Q1: How do I add a new admin user to my account?
A: To add a new admin user, contact your CSM.

Q2: How do I update the booking email address?
A: To update the booking email address, contact your CSM.

Q3: How do I update my payment details?
A: To update payment details, contact your CSM.

Q4: How do I update my nursery name?
A: To update your nursery name, contact your CSM.

Q5: How do I update my opening hours?
A: To update opening hours, contact your CSM.

Q6: How do I update my booking cut off time?
A: To update your booking cut off times, contact your CSM.

Q7: How do I update my pricing?
A: To update pricing, contact your CSM.

Q8: How do I reset my email or password?
A: You can reset your password by using the “Forgotten Password” page here: https://nursery.bookpebble.co.uk/forgot-password. Alternatively, contact your CSM. For sensitive info, do not share this info on email. Phone your CSM.



Q1: How often will I receive performance reports?
A: In the first month of launch, we endeavour to send weekly performance reports. Once that is complete, it is up to you how often you would like to see these reports.

Q2: What will be shown in the performance reports?
A: Performance reports are tailored to you, however the standard is an overview of bookings for that week/month, guardian registrations, total revenue and potential revenue.

Q3: Will I receive finance reports?
A: Yes.

Q4: How often will I receive finance reports?
A: At the end of each month.



Q1: Will I receive finance reports?
A: Yes.

Q2: What will be shown in the finance reports?
A: You can find an example finance report within your welcome pack.
A: You will be sent two pages, a payment summary and a booking summary.
Your payment summary will detail:
● Number of paid Sessions
● Value paid by Customer
● Value paid by Pebble (any discounts and discrepancies)
● Value of payment Exempt Sessions (to be reconciled by your finance team)
● Pebble Fees and VAT
● Total Payable to Nursery
Your booking summary is a breakdown of the individual sessions. The data will include:
● Nursery name
● Submitted at date, confirmed at date and session date
● Session type and rate
● Fee collected from Customer
● Value to be paid by Pebble (if any)
● Value of payment exempt sessions (if any) and reason
● Child name
● Room
● Notes

Q3: How often do I receive my statement?
A: At the end of each month.

Q4: Who will my statement be sent to?
A: This is at your discretion, to change this please contact your CSM.

Q5: When will I receive my payment?
A: At the end of each month.

Q6: How do I update my stripe details?
A: To update your stripe details, please contact your CSM.

Q7: Who processes tax free payments?
A: Your finance team should reconcile these payments.

Contract Cancellation:

Q1: How do I cancel my contract?
A: Please contact your CSM

Q2: What happens when I cancel my contract?
A: If you should decide to cancel, instant booking functionality will be switched off, and your guardians will no longer be able to book sessions at your nursery.
A: You will receive an email to agree a date to go offline. We will then cancel any pending bookings on the system and block all guardians before turning the system off for your nursery.
A: Please be aware that you will need to honour any confirmed bookings.








